Transformers work only on AC current and not on DC . Reason explained.
Transformer में AC के जगह DC दी जाए तो क्या होगा ? | Electrical Transformer
Transformer - Why can't transformers work with DC voltage or current?
What Happen when DC Voltage Given to Transformer| Why Transformer not work on DC
Transformers Explained - How transformers work
Why Transformer DOES NOT WORK On DC? Works ONLY On AC [Why It BURNS On DC] - Electrical Interview Qs
Why a Transformer cannot be connected to DC supply in Hindi.
Can Transformer Work On PULSATING DC? | Uni-Directional Current(DC) On Transformer - Interview Qs
How to troubleshoot the transformer
how to TEST a transformer to know if it’s good or bad
Why a transformer doesn't work on DC supply [ Electrical engineering ]
Why Transformer does Not Work on DC? |transformer in hindi |
Why transformer does not work on dc supply || क्या ट्रांसफार्मर डीसी पर काम कर सकता है? -
Why Use AC Instead of DC at Home??
Which is the Killer, Current or Voltage?
AC and DC Electricity basics
The Big Misconception About Electricity
Why do Capacitors allow AC, but block DC?
Why Transformer does not work on DC supply? | Telugu
Why there is no Neutral in Transmission Lines? Explained | TheElectricalGuy