Multiplying Whole Numbers and Fractions | Math with Mr. J
Multiplying Mixed Numbers and Whole Numbers | Math with Mr. J
Multiplying Whole Numbers by Fractions Using Models | Math with Mr. J
2 times 3/4 (two times three-fourths)
Convert Mixed Fraction into Improper Fraction 2 3/4
Subtracting a Fraction from a whole number
How to Multiply a Mixed Number by a Whole Number | Math with Mr. J
simple math
Multiplying Whole Numbers x Fraction
Fractions - Multiplying a fraction by a whole number (2/4 x 100)
How to divide a mixed number by a fraction
Fractions - Multiplying a fraction by a whole number (2/5 x 4)
3 times 3/4 (Three times Three-Fourths)
Illustrating Multiplying Fractions (Fraction x Whole Number)
6 times 1/2 (Six times One-Half)
TAGALOG: Multiplying Simple Fractions and Mixed Fractions, Learning Tasks 1,2,3,4 #TeacherA
How to multiply a fraction by a whole number
How to Calculate ANY Fraction Easily!