Country Codes, Phone Codes, Dialing Codes, Telephone Codes, ISO Country Codes
How to Find an Airport Code/Airline Code | 3-Letter and 2-Letter IATA Codes | Travel & Tourism Q&A
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What is the 2 letter country code for Switzerland? How do I dial Switzerland ?
Calling Code From Different Countries | All Country | calling code from different countries
Austria Country Code - Country Dialing Code Of Austria | Austrian City Code | Austria Dialer Code
What is 2 letter country code for Switzerland? Switzerland Country Code
What is country code and area code in Philippines?
UCC Codes: UCC 1-308 Without Prejudice Sign this way & don't contract! The UCC Book to read! Private
ISO 3166-1
All country mobile code.
America ka country code kya hai | USA country code
Passport Question: Two (2) & Three (3) Letter State Abbreviation Jurisdiction! Write it in full.
Why Do Canadian Airport Codes Begin With The Letter Y?
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Asian Countries and Capitals Quiz | With Country Codes Alpha-2 and Alpha-3
When they scan your passport What do they see?
IATA Codes
How to Identify iPhone Country of Origin | How to Check iPhone Manufacturing Country