How decades of stopping forest fires made them worse
Wildfire: climate and management
What are Wildfires?
Fire in the West - Changing Fire Management in the Western US
Managing Wildfire: Blazing the Trail in the Southwest
Episode 2: The Factors
Climate Science, Forest Management, And Wildfires: The Human Impact On Forests
Operation Earth: Wildfires
Understanding The Science, Ep. 4: Adapting to Wildfires: Planning for Inevitable Risks
Wildfire Management: Recent Trends and Strategies for Adaptation to Wildfire in the U.S.
Lecture: Wildfires, Climate Change and Land Management
Managing for Forest Resilience under Global Change: the Power of Fire Refugia (RTW 2017)
Wildfire strategy changing on Federal lands
Wildfire & Climate Change Adaptation
Effects of policy change on wildland fire management strategies
Evidence shows U.S. Forest Service mismanagement contributed to California wildfire | 60 Minutes
Watch The Forest Service Burn Down A Forest For Science
Logging On Part 4: Wildfire Prevention
Fire as Management Tool: Forest Climate Change & Adaptation Webinar Series, Year 4
Fire and Forest Health