How to use "a great deal" in a sentence - "a great deal" sentence examples with pronunciation
English grammar lesson - Using A LOT, LOTS, PLENTY, A GREAT DEAL - gramática inglesa
A great deal Meaning
How to use "a good deal" in a sentence - "a good deal" sentence examples with pronunciation
7 meanings of DEAL - Improve your English vocabulary
How to use "a good deal of" in a sentence - "a good deal of" sentence examples with pronunciation
20 Ways Native Speakers Use the Word "Deal" - Common English Expressions
What does 'big deal' mean?
Maya's Shopping Trip | English Listening Practice with Budget-Friendly Tips
powerful - 16 adjectives which mean powerful (sentence examples)
Deal In Usage, Pronounce, Meaning, Definition, Sentence Examples
A lot, alot, lots, allot
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English Quantifiers : A Lot of, Lots of, Much, Many, Some, Few, A Large number of etc with examples