What is abstraction
Group theory, abstraction, and the 196,883-dimensional monster
Symbolic representations.
81 Math Symbols Explained
Mathematics is an abstract concept
Mathematics: connecting the concrete, the symbolic, and the abstract
Symbols of Success: New Representations for Teaching and Doing Mathematics
Intro to Logical Statements
Exposing what Jordan Peterson really believes: Deconstructing the Cult of Jung and Archetypes
Constructing Embodied Algebra by Sketching
Cycle Notation of Permutations - Abstract Algebra
Matthew D. Foreman: A symbolic representation of Anosov-Katok diffeomorphisms
Permutation Groups and Symmetric Groups | Abstract Algebra
abstract algebra||mte6||notations and symbols with explanation
Different Representations of a Math Problem
CRA model in mathematics: From the Concrete to the Representational to the Abstract
A brief history of math writing: symbol, structure, and proof
Can you guess the math formula?
Program Analysis via Efficient Symbolic Abstraction
How REAL Men Integrate Functions