Adding columns to a data frame using the mutate function in dplyr
Creating Columns in R with mutate()
Adding new variables to a data.frame with mutate (dplyr)
How to Add a Column to a Dataframe in R Using dplyr
Create a Variable in a Dataframe in R | Mutate Variable in R
How to Add a Column to a DataFrame in R
[R Beginners] dplyr::mutate command to create new data columns in R
Adding Calculated Columns: mutate() (dplyr) | DS4B 101-R Course
Add New Variable to Data Frame Based On Other Columns in R (2 Examples) | $ Operator | transform()
mutate & transmute R Functions of dplyr Package (Examples) | Create & Transform Columns & Variables
How to add new Columns to a dataframe in R
R Studio: Tidy Tip mutate() new columns
dplyr in r | dplyr mutate example | dplyr mutate add multiple columns | dplyr mutate drop column
Create Duplicate of Data Frame Column in R (Example) | Base R vs. mutate() Function of dplyr Package
How to Add Columns to a Data Frame in R
How to create new variables in R - How to dplyr mutate function (verb)
How To... Add a Column to a Dataframe in R #61
R Basics 10: Add and modify columns using mutate
R for beginners | Part 9: Mutate to new columns | Most important R commands
Creating, Modifying and Deleting Columns using R Programming || tidyverse tutorial