Adding columns to a data frame using the mutate function in dplyr
Learning R: 34 How to Calculate Multiple Columns using DPLYR
R : Ways to add multiple columns to data frame using plyr/dplyr/purrr
Apply a function across multiple columns with the across function
Selecting Columns from a Data Frame using the dplyr Select Function
Drop Multiple Columns from Data Frame Using dplyr Package in R (Example) | select & one_of Functions
dplyr in r | dplyr mutate example | dplyr mutate add multiple columns | dplyr mutate drop column
Adding New Columns Using dplyr in R
R data analysis using dplyr package
How to Add Columns to a Data Frame in R
036 Adding New Columns with dplyr
R : Mutate across multiple columns using dplyr
R: sum columns/rows in data frames | dplyr || 10
Binding Rows and Columns Using Dplyr in R
R Basics: How to Use filter() to Select Rows Based on Column Values
pull R Function of dplyr Package (2 Examples) | Extract Column / Variable from Data Frame / Tibble
Group Data Frame by Multiple Columns in R (Example) | group_by & summarize Variable | dplyr Package
Combining Datasets Using dplyr in R
Calculate Group Mean & Add as New Column to Data Frame (3 Examples) | dplyr & data.table Packages
Move Column to First Position of Data Frame in R (2 Examples) | Shift to Beginning | dplyr Package