Canada's voting system (and how changing it would affect this election)
How do Canadian elections work? | CBC Kids News
First past the post vs. proportional representation
Which voting system is the best? - Alex Gendler
What's first past the post? | Nerds on Politics
What would electoral reform look like in Canada?
The Trouble with the Electoral College
Minority Rule: First Past the Post Voting
The Alternative Vote Explained
Proportional representation: Pros and cons of reforming B.C.'s electoral system | Vancouver Sun
Electoral reform
Why US elections only give you two choices
What you should know about Canada's electoral system
Mixed-Member Proportional Representation Explained
The Electoral College, explained
How proportional representation works
How preferential voting works in Australian elections
Single transferable vote explained
Does your vote count? The Electoral College explained - Christina Greer
Guide to Canadian Political Parties