Java's Garbage Collection Explained - How It Saves your Lazy Programmer Butt
What happens to our 2.2 billion tons of trash?
Boris Kuznetsov - Evolution of garbage collector - Code BEAM STO
The Z Garbage Collector by Erik Österlund
Understand JS Garbage Collector in 4 mins
Z Garbage Collector: The Next Generation
Garbage Collection in Java | What is GC and How does it Work in the JVM? | Types of GCs | Geekific
Garbage First Garbage Collector by Monica Beckwith
Garbage collectors decry lack of space at Kang'oki dumpsite
Garbage collection in Java, with Animation and discussion of G1 GC
The garbage collector / Maya Rosecrance
Shenandoah: The Garbage Collector That Could by Aleksey Shipilev
Understanding Garbage Collection in Java & various types of Garbage Collectors
The Serial Garbage Collector
Choose the best Garbage Collector in Java
The Fundamentals of Garbage Collector Performance • Charlie Hunt • GOTO 2014
A (Re)Introduction to the G1 Garbage Collector by Paul Su
Java’s Highly Scalable Low-Latency Garbage Collector : ZGC
Writing Garbage Collector in C
9. Java Memory Management and Garbage Collection in Depth