Infliximab - Anti-Autoimmune, Mechanism of Action
Chronic Inflammation in IBD and How Anti-TNF Therapy Works
Infliximab (Remicade) - Uses, Dosing, Side Effects | Pharmacist Review
How do monoclonal antibodies work? Rituximab, infliximab, adalimumab and others
What do we do when the patient loses their response to an anti-TNF?
TNF Inhibitors: Mechanisms, Uses, and Side Effects (Part 1) | Sketchy Medical | USMLE Step 1
TN Alpha Inhibitors in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Debate: Combination or monotherapy with anti-TNF? - Combination
Biologische therapie – anti TNF
TNF Inhibitors Mnemonic for Nursing Pharmacology (NCLEX)
Lupus-like Syndrome Due to Anti-tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Therapy
Tuberculosis and Biologics: Relating Mechanisms Action Immunopathogenesis Granulomatous Infections
Use of Anti-TNF Antibodies, Drug Levels, and Other Serological Markers in IBD
Revisiting Anti-TNF 20 Years Later
The treatment of moderate to severe IBD with anti-TNF biologics and immunomodulators
Anti-TNF therapies in IBD
TNF Inhibitors and Autoimmune Disease
Julio Delgado: Assessment of TNF alpha antagonists and Anti Drug Antibodies
When should we stop anti-TNF therapy and how do we then treat the patient?
Novel Agents for the Treatment of Crohn's Disease