What is Wrong with Global Variables in JavaScript?
STOP Declaring IDs!?! JavaScript Global Variables Best Practices
Stop using global variables!
JavaScript : I've Heard Global Variables Are Bad, What Alternative Solution Should I Use?
Why you should NEVER use Global Variables in JavaScript
L08 Global Variables Are Evil
Javascript Accidental Global Variables Bug
You shouldn't use global variables! programming practices to avoid (1) #shorts
Scope of Variables: Why are global variables not recommended?
JavaScript Let vs Var vs Constant | Mosh
JavaScript Scope (Local vs Global)
JavaScript Course: Scope of variables in JavaScript(Global, Local & Blocked)
Declaring globals isn't that hard
Scopes and Closures In-depth 13 - The Global scope problem
This Async JavaScript MISTAKE Is Too Common!
What's wrong with global variables? (Webinar #36)
Learn JavaScript Scoping In 10 Minutes
HARD JavaScript Challenges | Do You REALLY Know JS?
Scope in JavaScript - HTTP 203
Declaring Variables without Var, Let, Const - What Would Happen?