Official Producers Preview of the Killer Whales Television show
Do whales and humans speak the same language? | DW Documentary
Orca: The Genius of the Sea | Patrick Dykstra | TEDxMIT
Meet the Killer Whales Season 2: Illa Da Producer
The Insane Biology of: The Orca
When Killer Whales and Humans Hunted Together
Tough News with Andrew the Producer
Why Killer Whales Migrate (It's Not Why You Think)
What is special about hump back whale? 🐳
How SeaWorld Is Changing Since Killer Whale Controversies | NBC Nightly News
Why Do Orcas Keep Sinking Boats?
The Dark Untold Story of SeaWorld | A Killer Whale Documentary
Release the killer whales! | DW Documentary
The Killer Whales of Eden, told by Family and Eyewitnesses. Early experimental rough edit.
How Killer Whales are Changing the Arctic | Earth Explained!
Searching for Type D: A New Species of Killer Whale?
Marine Noise and Southern Resident Killer Whales | Lauren McWhinnie | TEDxBrentwoodCollegeSchool
Watch Killer Whales and Humpbacks Hunt Together | National Geographic
2023 in Review: ‘Orca uprising’: Why are orca whales targeting boats? | The Take
Scientists Think They May Have Found A New Kind Of Killer Whale | TIME