The disturbing, heartbreaking reality of Child Protective Services caseworkers
CPS in need of more social workers
Former caseworker explains why CPS is losing staff
Day in the Life of DCFS caseworkers
Parents speak out after arrest of fake social worker
A day in the life of a CPS investigator
As part of safety plan, CPS adds social workers, keeps police and crossing guards
Silent Cries | A day in the life of a CPS caseworker
Know your rights in a Child Protective Services investigation
If Child Protective Services (CPS) wants to ask you questions, then you need to know your rights.
CPS Social Worker
CPS workers, what are your horror stories?
CPS caseworkers now work out of schools
Ex-CPS workers are suing the state
Hardin County CPS Workers Won't Be Disciplined
Social Work, Public Policy, & CPS Advocacy – Episode 12 (Social Work Amplified Podcast)
CPS Investigator Talks About Stresses Of Her Job
Felony charges dismissed against two CPS social workers in death of 3-year-old boy
CPS Storytime & Self Care || Social Work Sound Off
Workers fired from CPS speak out