Are There Ticks in Texas? Most Common Ticks Found
Eye on your health: Preparing for tick season in Texas
Dealing with ticks in East Texas: how to protect your family, pets
Tick season in Central Texas: How to protect yourself
Concerns about Lyme disease growing in Texas
Tick-season tips for a safer summer in East Texas
Ticks Found To Carry Virus Worse Than Lyme Disease
WARNING: The Most Horrific Tick Infestations
How to protect yourself from the Lone Star tick
Do you know the signs of Lyme disease?
Texas Tick Can Turn Carnivores Into Vegetarians
East Texas temperatures, rain causing uptick in ticks
What are the symptoms of lyme disease?
Oklahoma one of few states seeing disease from ticks
Tick that causes red meat allergy spreading
Experts say there may be more tick activity this summer
What to know regarding deer, ticks and Lyme disease on your property.
Tiny ticks that may carry tickborne diseases are out for the summer
Video: CDC warns Lyme disease now fastest growing vector-borne infectious disease in US