School Attendance Register: Attendance and Absence Codes
Working Together to Improve School Attendance: DfE guidance overview for schools
Q & A - School attendance register: attendance and absence codes
FAQ - School attendance and admission registers
An update on attendance with Ofsted and the DfE
School Attendance Guidance Training Webinar – Analysing absence and attendance data
Monitor your school attendance - May webinar for schools and trusts not yet sharing data
Monitor your school attendance - October update
DfE Monitor your school attendance webinar - November update
National framework for penalty notices for school absence overview
Mastering Pupil Attendance in School
School Attendance Guidance Training Webinar - Setting an effective school attendance policy
School Attendance Guidance Training Webinar – Attendance coding practice and day-to-day processes
School Attendance Guidance Training Webinar, effective governance that supports stronger attendance
Attendance support team - use of attendance legal intervention
Behaviour Hubs Virtual Module - Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance Tracker Autumn 2022 Update
Attendance support team – working with families to remove out of school barriers
Working together to improve school attendance: sharing LA best practice in London
Online Attendance For School Free (Instruction Video for Student ) – ReadoApp