End-Of-Life Costs in U.S.: Not So High?
Cost Effectiveness in Palliative Care
Konrad Fassbender on the Economics of Death
Addressing the cost of living crisis and its effects on end of life care and those needing it
Value in Health Care at End of Life
Clinical and cost-related outcomes of palliative care
End-of-life Care Decisions: Mayo Clinic Radio
iHEA Webinar: High Costs in End-of-Life Care: An Alternative Economic Perspective Webinar, Peter May
Will there be an end to end-of-care?
Modelling the costs of caring for people with cancer at the end of life
Issues in Palliative Care
End of Life Cost of Care Guide
Advanced Illness And End-Of-Life Care
The Economics of Palliative Care
Palliative Care Value Based Payment and the Patient Experience
Bending the cost curve in cancer care -- dreams and reality
Can palliative care meet the challenge of care for persons with long term chronic illness
Improving Patient Care and Decreasing Costs
Economic Studies in Palliative Care: Opportunities & Challenges
CRISIS: Future Costs of End of Life Care & How to Save $$$