4 Messianic Bible Translations I recommend
Complete Jewish Bible is the Best Bible! | My CJB is Better Than Your KJV
Hebrew English Bible
The Interlinear Hebrew-Greek-English Bible, One-Volume Edition
Hebrew-Greek bible: what is the best bible for both languages?
Interlinear Bible - Which One is Right For You?
Hebrew Bible: Which is best for learning? JPS vs. BHS vs. Zondervan vs. Hendrickson + more!
Bible Study on Daniel Chapters 8 and 9 (Part 2) - Facilitator: Lynnford Beachy
Interlinear Bible Hebrew, Greek and English
Comparing the JPS, Artscroll, & Koren english translations
Crossway ESV Hebrew/Greek and English Side by Side
Which is the Best Translation of the Jewish Scriptures? Rabbi Tovia Singer's Answer May Surprise you
Bible Translations: here's what they hide from you
Which Bible translation did Jesus use? And why you should read it too!
Why You SHOULD Read the Bible in its Original Languages
English Bible Translations Family Tree
A Protestant Christian review of an Israeli Jewish Bible! (Koren Hebrew/English Tanakh)
Is the Complete Jewish Bible a Good Translation?
What is the Best English Bible Translation?