Various Citation Styles in LaTeX (LaTeX Advanced Tutorial-25)
How to Use Reference, Citation and BibTex in LaTex, Overleaf, ShareLatex | Tajim
How to generate references with LaTeX | BibTeX | IEEEtran BibTeX style
How to Cite References in BiBtex format in Over Leaf (LaTex Editor)
R : How can I specify the default bibliography LaTeX/BibTeX citation styles "plain" or "unsrt" in an
LaTeX and Citations 3: BibLaTeX
How to Generate References with LaTeX (BibTeX)
How to Make References/Citations in Overleaf
MS Word: References With Square Brackets in 10 SECONDS
How to Generate References in LaTeX (BibteX) | Bibliography in LaTeX
Citation styles
LaTeX Tutorial 9: Bibliography with BibTeX
How to Create Custom Bibliography Style (LaTeX Advanced Tutorial-05)
Referencing with BibTeX
How to Generate References in LaTeX | Download Bibliography Style Files | IEEE Referencing in Latex
RefHive - Export (XML JATS, BibTex, EndNote, RIS and Citation Styles)
Effortlessly Manage Citations in LaTeX with BibTeX, BibLaTeX, and Natbib on Overleaf using CiteDrive
How to Change Bibliography Styles in a Latex Document [APA, Chicago etc]
Converting references that were typed to BibTeX format