3 things you DON'T KNOW happen to YOUR BODY under anesthesia (and HACKS TO FIX in 2023!)
How Anesthesia Affects Your Brain And Body
Effects of dyspnea, or shortness of breath
Easy waking up after general anesthesia |Anesthesiologist wakes up patient after rhinoplasty surgery
What are some common side effects of anesthesia after surgery?
When you don't wake up from anesthesia
Does sleep apnea make it harder for patients to undergo anesthesia?
CHRONIC HICCUPS - Day & Sometimes Nightmare
Why You're Intubated for Surgery- And What Anesthesia Breathing Tubes Looks Like
How long does it take anesthesia to leave your body? Dr. Kaveh LIVE
Breathing For You - Why You Stop Breathing Under Anesthesia (watch end for 🤣)
Did you smell this under anesthesia? 👃
How long have you been numb after Anesthesia? #dental
Your Anxiety Revealed Under Anesthesia? (can you hide it?) 2023 update!
Extra tips for intubation! | #shorts #intubation
How does anesthesia work? - Steven Zheng
Coughing before surgery? What happens 👀
How do you know if you have bronchitis?
Why is my patient short of breath? [congestive heart failure -cardiac and lung loops]
Man going under General Anesthesia