Get vaccinated when pregnant & protect your baby from whooping cough
CDC study shows vaccine in pregnancy protects baby from whooping cough
Why did my son get whooping cough though he is vaccinated? How do I protect my other baby?
Whooping cough: Study says baby can be protected if mom gets vaccine
New research: Vaccine for pregnant women protects babies from whooping cough
Protecting Your Unborn Baby Against Whooping Cough - Dr. Ashanti Woods - Mercy
Re: How do I protect my baby from whooping cough? Can I get the perstussis vaccine while pregnant?
Pregnant? Help Protect Your Baby from Whooping Cough
DOH urges parents to get whooping cough vaccine
Whooping Cough Vaccine for household contacts of new babies
Doctors: Everyone needs whooping cough vaccine
Should Pregnant Women Get a Whooping Cough Vaccine?
If I got the whooping cough vaccine during pregnancy, should I delay my baby’s DTaP vaccine?
CDC Recommends Expectant Moms Receive Whooping Cough Vaccination
Family 411: Whooping Cough
Dr Vicky Sheppeard - Whooping Cough
Associate Professor Michael Nicholl - Whooping Cough
Whooping cough vaccine becomes less effective over time, study says
Whooping cough booster
Should I get the whooping cough vaccine if I am pregnant? (9:16)