Brain injury in a child can lead to life long struggles.
Here's how Traumatic Brain Injuries become chronic for many
Long-Term Effects of TBI
Permanent hell: life with a traumatic brain injury
Signs To Look For After Head Trauma, According To A Doctor
Cognitive and Psychological Consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
"You Look Fine!" - The Real-Life Struggle of an Invisible Injury - TBI Awareness
Developmental Consequences of Childhood Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Kids
Long Term Effects Of Traumatic Brain Injury In Kids
Recovery from Brain Injury Occurs for the Rest of a Person's Life
How Long After a Head Injury Can Symptoms Occur?
Previously unknown long term symptoms for some patients with traumatic brain injuries
Are you dizzy after a head injury? What is vestibular concussion?
Easy to Misunderstand the Behavior of a Person with Traumatic Brain Injury
Why Does a Brain Injury Cause Behavioral Changes?
When Should I Go to the Emergency Room (ER) After Head Injury?
Psychiatric Issues After Brain Injury
Evaluation and Management of Head Injury | Children's National Medical Center