Access your NHS GP medical records
Accessing Your Medical Records
Your online GP health record
There's now an easier way for your new doctor to get records from your old doctor
Patient Online: how online access to GP records can help carers
Patient Online: How online access to his GP records has helped Dominic manage his health
Your Doctor Refuses to Give You Your Medical Records- What Can You Do? NY Attorney Explains
If I change my doctor can I get my medical records?
Asbestos Exposure and VA Disability | All You Need To Know
If Your Doctor's Office Lost Your Medical Records Can You Still Sue for Medical Malpractice in NY?
Patient Online: the advantage of 24/7 access to your online GP records
Review Your Medical Records After Every Doctor Visit (Disability Lawyer Tip #12)
Patient Online benefits of online access to records for GP practices and patient
Online access to GP health records – what’s in it for patients?
NHS App - How to view your GP health record
If I see a private GP will it affect my NHS registration?
Will My Doctor Change My Medical Records?
Patient Online: Q&A with GP Steve Hastings about online record access
Responsible Sharing- Enabling patient access to records and understanding
Take control of your GP record