Georgea Pasedis discusses cold sores and mono prevention
Infectious Mononucleosis (Mono) | Epstein-Barr Virus, Transmission, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
How Herpes Can Actually Be Good For You
Put Epstein-Barr Virus to Bed for Good (No More Reactivation!)
Does Lemon Balm Help In HSV (Cold Sore, Fever Blister) Infection? - by Pramil Cheriyath MD
Herpes: Mono, HSV, Chickenpox, Shingles, EBV, CMV, Cold Sore, VZV Varicella
For Herpes I take - Monolaurin, Lysine & Andrographis
KISSING DISEASE or Infectious Mononucleosis
Viral Infections And Brain Health
Epstein Barr Virus - Adrenal Fatigue - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Are NOT The Same Thing!!
How Monolaurin Helps with Herpes Virus
8 Face of HERPESVIRUS- From Cold Sores to CANCER!
Sore Throat or Strep? When to Go to the Doctor
The Hidden Dangers of Kissing: Health Risks You Need to Know
Is Your Sore Throat Caused by Bacterial Infection or Viral?
Epstein-Barr Virus: The red-headed step child of the Herpes Virus family
A-Z of Vitamins: Cold Sores
Cold Sores: Tip for Prescriptions
EBV and Mononucleosis - Pathogenesis and Clinical Presentation
causes of cold sores on lips