Overcoming the barriers of the P53 dysfunction to cure blood cancers
Removing the Most Common P53 Mutation in Colorectal Cancer Halts Disease Progression
Targeting tumor protein 53 (p53): Is there anything we can do therapeutically?
p53: Guardian of the Genome
Dr. Shah on Treatment of Patients with P53-Mutated MCL
Timing Cancer Treatment
p53 targeted therapy for cancer
A Drug to Finally Benefit Patients with TP53 Mutant AML? | David Sallman | ASH 2021 #AML
Tumor Heterogeneity in Small Cell Lung Cancer and Response to Therapy - Julien Sage
What Is P53 and How Does It Cause Cancer?
Scientists discover secret to promising new cancer drug
Prof. Sir DAVID LANE: Targeting p53 in cancer therapy: reality or fantasy, Sofia, 2017
Janic A (2015): Identification of the critical p53 tumor suppression mechanisms in vivo
p53: The guardian of genome
Novel strategies to target P53-mutant hematological malignancies
Discovering the p53 cancer protein - Cancer Research UK
Valente E (2013): How does p53 protect us from cancer?
One Gene Wonder | Science In The Hospital
Challenges in Treating TP53-Mutated AML, Hope on the Horizon
Galina Selivanova, PhD