Do Kids Need to Drink Gatorade and Other Sports Drinks?
How can energy or sports drinks be harmful for children or adolescents?
Hydration: Sports Drinks vs Water - Texas Children's Sports Medicine
Study: Don't Let Kids Drink Energy Drinks
Hydration for Young Athletes - When to Use Sports Drinks
Dietitian Amy Reed: When do kids need sports drinks?
Are Sports Drinks OK for Kids?
A healthier sports drink that the kids will love!
Energy Drinks vs. Kids’ Health
Sports drinks and energy drinks unhealthy for kids and teens
Sports Drinks vs. Energy Drinks
Kids Sports Drinks
Mom invents healthier sports drink for kids
Sports drinks and juice a risk to your kids' teeth
Doctors Warn Kids to Avoid Energy Drinks and Limit Sports Drinks
Homemade Electrolyte Drink: Healthy Sports Drink For Hydration and Energy
Dr. Max Gomez: Kids And Energy Drinks
Is it ok for my child to consume energy drinks or sports drinks and what is the difference?