How gaming is good for you - 4 Mental Benefits
This Is Your Child's Brain on Videogames | WSJ
Can Video Games Boost Your Mental Health?
How can video games boost your mental health?
Can a Video Game Help Your Mental Health?
Is gaming good for your mental health? | BBC Ideas
How Video Games Can Help (Not Hurt) Mental Health
Could video games help improve mental health?
Mike Scrase on ZIP: Merging Mental Health and Superhero Comics
'Playing video games can be good for your mental health'
Positive effects of video games and mental health
Three reasons why gaming IS good for your mental health - BBC
Video games as mental-health hazards
U of U Health Scientists Say Certain Video Games Improve Mental Health In Older Adults
Researchers Examine Video Gaming's Impact On Brain
How Video Games Helped (and HURT) My Mental Health
Mastering mental health through video games
Study Finds Video Games Benefit Mental Health (Nerdist Now)
Can Dark Souls Help Your Mental Health? | MindGames
Do Video Games Cause Mental Health Issues?