You're supposed to plead NOT GUILTY (even if you did it).
Guilty or Not Guilty: What You Should Know Before Entering A Plea | Andrew Williams Criminal Lawyer
Why do innocent people plead guilty to crimes they didn’t commit?
Why would an innocent plea guilty
Why Innocent People Plead Guilty | Adnan Sultan | TEDxFurmanU
What Happens if I Plead Not Guilty in the Local Court
When Should I Consider Pleading Guilty?
Probation Violations: Key Legal Insights and How to Handle Them
3 Reasons to Defend Yourself in Court and Plead Not Guilty
You Should Plead NOT GUILTY (Even If You Did The Crime)
Should I plead guilty or not guilty at the magistrates court? Guide to 1st court hearing and options
Plead guilty AND maintain your innocence? Yeah, we got that!
Do I Enter A Not Guilty Plea The First Time I Go To Court? // Right Law Group
Always Plead Not Guilty at First Hearing
What is a "No Contest" plea? Is it different from a "Guilty" plea?
Can You Back Out Of A Plea Deal After You Are Sentenced?
You can either plead guilty or go to trial. That’s it.
Should I Plead Guilty at My First Court Date?
Should I plead guilty to first DUI?