Can Women put on Lotion, Makeup, or Nailpolish after Wudu and Pray? | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem- JAL
Is my wudu valid if I put make up on after making wudu? - Assim al hakeem
Wudu with Lipstick 💄 & Other Makeup | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Do Creams and Lotions have any effect on the validity of Wudu? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Bridal Makeup & Makeup when going to a wedding is expensive,Can I do Tayammum or Join prayers- Assim
If Make up has haram ingredients, can we apply it or pray while wearing it? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Realised while praying had Vaseline, cream on face when made wudu, is wudu & prayer valid? Assim
Making wudu while wearing waterproof makeup #islamqa #Dr Muhammad Salah #HUDATV
Does makeup and cream invalidate your wudu? - Assim al hakeem
Is Wudu valid if makeup is on the face?
Wudu with makeup?? #islam #muslimah #religion #wudu
I cannot pray, because of makeup - Mufti Menk
Question: how to take wudhu with makeup on?
Does Islam allow women to do make up Dr Zakir Naik #HUDATV
Can a woman take ablution with make up-lipstik?
performing wudu before makeup Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem #fatwa #islamqa #HUDATV
Can a woman wipe over her hijab when making wudu as Prophet ﷺ wiped over his turban assim al hakeem
Do I have to remove my sunblock cream before making wudu? - Assim al hakeem
If makeup has haram ingredients, can we pray with it on after making wudu? | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem