Prayer for the Birthday Celebrant, Birthday Prayer
Fr. Pedro Ottonello's sermon (Low Mass on occasion of his 90th birthday)
Birthday Prayer and Blessings for another great year
Grandma Wallace 90th birthday celebration prayer
Cardinal Burke Novena To Our Lady of Guadalupe | 9 Month Novena Prayer
Litany for the Poor Souls in Purgatory
The 3 Hail Mary Novena - A Powerful Daily Novena
Mass in Honor of Fr. Al's 90th Birthday!
Bishop Robert Barron | Bishop Barron’s West Point Address
Part 1 Prayer: Lola Jorging 90th Birthday Celebration
The preacher of the Vatican household celebrates his 90th birthday
90th Anniversary Prayer Service with Sermon by The Rev. Rosemarie Duncan
Prayer For The Souls In Purgatory
Blessings from the Heart | Happy Birthday Prayers
Novena for Impossible Requests | For 3 Intentions for Mary's Intercession
1000 Thank You Jesus | Prayer for Everyday | Miracle Prayer
Prayer for Birthday Party
Mum Joyce's 90th Birthday Thanksgiving Mass
Lady Julia's 90th Birthday Mass!