The interrelationship between family law and child protection
Family Court of WA "Child Related Proceedings"
Calls to reform WA's child protection system after kids share horror foster care abuse | ABC News
Western Australia - The Hon. Simone McGurk MLA, Minister for Child Protection
The forgotten children removed from their parents and subjected to abuse in state care | ABC News
How the Court process works for parenting cases
Rethinking child protection system design assumptions for families with multiple and complex needs
Australia's child protection system failing vulnerable kids | ABC News
New WA law forces priests to report child abuse
The Health of Aboriginal Children in Western Australia and its Intersection with Child Protection
ACCCE hosts child protection working groups in July
CASE 001-SA before The People's Commission
A former juvenile detainee speaks out about WA's youth incarceration crisis | The Point | NITV
Very sad case of su_cide, by 10yo child - in State Care in Western Australia - Child Protection
Australia: The Child Protection Racket
A Day in the Life of a Child Protection Worker in Geraldton
Life as a Child Protection Worker in Metropolitan Perth
Child Removal in Australia - Violating the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Australia’s Extradition Shame | The West Report
FACS Western District child protection initiatives