Damning report into child protection sparks calls for SA minister's sacking | ABC News
Child Protection System in South Australia is Dysfunctional
The origins of The Australian Centre for Child Protection and its public role
The future of child protection in Australia - Emeritus Professor Dorothy Scott
South Australia - The Hon. Rachel Sanderson MP, Minister for Child Protection
South Australia’s Outcomes Framework for Children and Young People - Child Development Council
South Australia’s Child Protection Department extends carer payments to 21 years of age
2021 South Australian Child Protection Awards
Female SA child protection department worker charged with serious child sex abuse offences | 7 News
Marianne Berry - Child abuse and neglect - Developing an Australian solution - Knowledge Works
Calls to reform WA's child protection system after kids share horror foster care abuse | ABC News
Protecting Vulnerable Children
Child Protection | 9 News Adelaide
Human Rights Act in action: Impact of changes to the Child Protection Act
Outcomes Framework for Children and Young People in South Australia
South Australia’s Outcomes Framework for Children and Young People – Education
Rethinking child protection system design assumptions for families with multiple and complex needs
Question: Children and Young People Safety Act Review
National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children Symposium