C# 35: Round a number to 3 decimal places using Math.Round
C# 34: Show a number in 3 decimal places without rounding using the Floor method
Learn C# - Decimal Numbers - Episode #18
Code Review: Format double to 3 decimal places without decimal separator to a certain length
Round A Double To A Specific Number Of Decimal Places | C Programming Example
C 10: Convert a number to string, and show it in 3 decimal places without rounding
[SOURCE CODE] arduino round float to 2 or 3 decimal places
Code 24: Round a number to 2 or 3 decimal places | 365 days of Code
string format decimal places in c#
c# How do I round a decimal value to 2 decimal places c#
C# : Format to two decimal places
C# : Two Decimal places using c#
C# 6: Format a double to a specified number of decimal places.
How do you round a number to two decimal places in C#?
C# with TJ: Decimal Values
C# : Convert decimal to percent or shift decimal places. How
C# School - Challenge - Round To Two Decimal Places - #12
C 11: Show a number in 3 decimal places without rounding - using the floor function
C# : How to display number to 2 decimal places in mvc3,C#?
C# Calculating Interest And Rounding Down To Two Decimal Places!