Thresholds for the Cost–Effectiveness of Interventions: Alternative Approaches
Economic Evaluation Webcast Part 5 of 5: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Decision Analysis and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Medicine by senior TA Olivier Clerc
Barriers to integrating cost-effectiveness analysis & cost-benefit analysis into impact evaluations
Methods for Estimating the Cost Effectiveness Threshold for NICE and the NHS
PMGR: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Cost-Effectiveness but Were Afraid of Being Bored
Threshold Tracking vs. Fixed Intensity TMS – Pros & Cons
Determining the efficiency path to universal health coverage
Cost Per DALY ‘Thresholds’ and Health Opportunity Costs: Informing Choices in Global Health
Methods for Estimating the Cost-Effectiveness Threshold
iHEA Sunday Session 3 Cost Per DALY Thresholds
Health Economics & Measuring Health & Cost
The Truth About Getting Married For Tax Purposes
Lecture 8 Thresholds
The Pros and Cons of a Global Economy
The Pros and Cons of Evaluating Hematuria
The Rare Disease Drug Dilemma: Great Value, High Price, Limited Access?
Pt 3: Health Utilities & QALYs | An Introduction to Economic Evaluation in Substance Use Disorders
Pt 3: Introduction to Health Utilities and QALYs | Introduction to Economic Evaluation
Why Private Equity SUCKS for (almost) Everyone