988 mental health crisis hotline to be activated Saturday
988 | Shorter suicide hotline number sets direct line to mental health crisis
988 | New 3-digit phone number for mental health crisis hotline
Jonathan Haidt on the Mental-Health Crisis and Smartphones | WSJ News
Mental Health Crisis Management and De-Escalation Techniques
The Suicide Crisis Line: An Education in Listening | Dylan Gunaratne | TEDxCalStateLA
Mental health: 9-8-8 set to become national crisis hotline | USA TODAY
Mobile crisis intervention team responding to mental health calls without police
What it's like answering calls for a suicide and crisis hotline | SBS The Feed
988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline
California set to launch 988 mental health crisis hotline number
Other options than calling 911 for people in mental health crisis
How to Use My Mental Health Crisis Plan
Colorado crisis counselors prepare for launch of national mental health hotline 988
PH Mental Health Institute notes rise in crisis hotline callers amid COVID-19 pandemic | ANC
Crisis Worker Hotline Experience
“988” becomes new mental health crisis hotline
People In Crisis: Henrico Area Mental Health Crisis Center
#mentalhealth centers ramping up services after increase in 988 crisis hotline calls
A Day in the Life... Mobile Crisis Teams - Ep 9 | BehavioralHealthLink.com