crisis - 11 nouns which are synonyms to crisis (sentence examples)
Hindi meaning of crisis/synonyms and antonyms of crisis/sentence example..
Resilience meaning, pronunciation, sentence examples, synonmys and word type.
"Budget crisis is a death sentence"
The One Sentence to ALWAYS Say to Someone in Crisis (And Why) - SDP #14
catastrophe - 17 nouns with the meaning of catastrophe (sentence examples)
How to use "affected" in a sentence - "affected" sentence examples with pronunciation
harmful - 19 adjectives with the meaning of harmful (sentence examples)
10th English Lecture 15 FBISE
middle - 10 nouns having the meaning of middle (sentence examples)
Benny Hinn & Suzanne Hinn Sentence Is Final, Goodbye Forever
50 Examples of Prefixes and Example Sentences, Prefixes List and Example Sentences #prefixes #prefix
tactic - 19 nouns synonym to tactic (sentence examples)
emergency - 5 nouns which are synonym of emergency (sentence examples)
devastate - 6 verbs meaning devastate (sentence examples)
dismay - 16 verbs which mean dismay (sentence examples)
difficulty - 10 nouns which mean difficulty (sentence examples)
scrape - 7 nouns which mean scrape (sentence examples)
hole - 13 nouns synonym of hole (sentence examples)
Adequately Usage, Pronounce, Meaning, Definition, Sentence Examples - Adverb Series