Debate grows over including critical race theory in school curriculum
Utah parents, activists disagree over Critical Race Theory curriculum
WATCH: What is critical race theory?
Critical race theory: Experts break down what it actually means
History curricula at center of critical race theory battle
Critical Race Theory: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Educators speak out against bill that restricts teaching critical race theory in Oklahoma
A Guide to Critical Race Theory
Why Race Matters: Critical Race Theory
Colorado Springs School District Votes 3-2 To Oppose Critical Race Theory Principles
Critical race theory in national curriculum promotes 'victim' narrative among indigenous
DeSantis lashes out at ‘critical race theory’ in push to overhaul Florida’s civics curriculum
Battle over critical race theory and how to teach children about race
Critical Race Theory in American Schools
Curriculum Controversy: HB 3979; Critical Race Theory Takes Center Stage
Florida bans critical race theory education but most Central Florida school districts don’t teac...
What is 'critical race theory'?
Race in the Classroom: The Debate Over Critical Race Theory'
Why Some States are Banning Critical Race Theory in Schools
Florida Board of Education adopts rule banning ‘critical race theory’ in public schools