What are Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)?
5 Fields Improved by Deep Learning
How would you define Deep Learning? - Robert Patton
How to Read and Summarize Research Papers | Machine Learning & Deep Learning
How to Critically Read Deep Learning Papers
The Deep End of Deep Learning | Hugo Larochelle | TEDxBoston
What nobody tells you about MULTIMODAL Machine Learning! 🙊 THE definition.
Invited Talk: Deep Learning for Generalised Planning. By Sylvie Thiébaux
Deep Learning 10: Meta learning and manifold learning
Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) [Physics Informed Machine Learning]
Can Deep Learning Bring Anything to MEG/EEG Data Processing? by Alex Gramfort (11/11/2020)
Deep Learning: Introduction - Part 5
What is State of the art in Deep Learning? - Robert Patton
But what is a convolution?
Introduction to Reading Machine Learning Research Papers
Reliable Machine Learning
Machine learning in Epidemiological Models: Terminologies, Predictive and Causal perspectives
Weight Agnostic Neural Networks (Numenta Journal Club)
Understanding generalization in Machine Learning as compression.
What is Artificial Intelligence Exactly?