William Lane Craig - Did God Create from Nothing?
Did God Create From Nothing? --William Lane Craig
Answering the "Who Created God?" Question - Whiteboard Series
A Universe From Nothing, Therefore God Exists!
Did God create the universe because He was lacking something?
Why did God create such a vast universe and other planets if there is only life on Earth?
What The Bible Says About THE UNIVERSE // Why God Designed it
Neil deGrasse Tyson on God
Why Genesis Changed Everything We Know About God (Genesis Part 3)
Why God Created Us (Part 1)
Curiosity - Did God Create the Universe? | The Big Bang
Give Me an Answer - Why can't God, who created everything from nothing, preserve His Word?
Do God and science contradict each other?
Were We Really Created by God? - Sadhguru
How Science Could Prove the Existence of God | Michio Kaku | Google Zeitgeist
Elon Musk: Does God Exist?
What was God doing before creation?
The Story for Creation for Kids (How God Made the Universe!) | Bible Stories for Kids
Why did God create Satan and allow him to sin?
How Can Christians Think A Perfect God Created Such An Imperfect Creation? Frank Turek Responds