A geologic contact
Contace & Regional Metamorphism
Overview of Geologic Structures Part 2: Faults and Folds
Fluid types and contacts
Geologic Map Compilation 6: Contacts
Geology 101 with Willsey, Episode #18: Unconformities (or Erosion Happens)
Unconformities - a quick quiz to work out the type of unconformity
Lithology Patterns
Gold EXPERT Reveals Basic Rocks and Minerals You Need to Know
QGIS Digitizing Geological Contacts
What Are the Four Fault Types?
15 Drawing Geologic Contacts in ArcGIS Pro
Rule of V's
Lecture - 4 Remote Sensing in Engineering Geology
Stratigraphic Contacts and Unconformities (Stratigraphy U1 L2)
Drawing a Geologic Cross Section
Geology: Relative Dating of Rocks
The topology of geology - Mark Jessell - 3D Interest Group