Boost Your Mental Health: Digital Tools for Students
Digital Mental Health for Depression and Anxiety
AI-powered mental health chatbots developed as a therapy support tool | 60 Minutes
Decoding Depression: How AI is Revolutionizing Mental Health | Mariam Khayretdinova | TEDxBoston
Digital therapeutics and mental health apps, with Vaile Wright, PhD | Speaking of Psychology:
Protocol for research project on physicians’ & individuals’ attitudes of digital mental health tools
Digital Tools to Promote College Student Mental Health by Dr. Stephen Schueller
Digital Mental Health (Part 1) Principles, Categories, Digital Phenotypes and Novel Initiatives
Best Apps for Depression, Anxiety, and Suicide Prevention: Depression Skills #3
Digital Mental Health Solutions
How Digital Mental Health is Making an Impact
Digital Mental Health Strategy: What is it and why do you need one?
Mental Health Apps for College Students
'Together' app uses AI to help users track mental health wellness
Moderated Discussion: "Increasing Mental Health Service Accessibility Through Digital Tools"
5 Lesson ideas for teachers to improve mental health of students
Mental Health for All (#65): Digital Mental Health 1/2
How Successful Digital Intervention Can Be in Mental Health?
How to Select, Vet, and Implement Digital Mental Health Innovation
Digital Mental Health (Health Technology): Present and Future