#286 How does Software Defined Radio (SDR) work under the Hood? SDR Tutorial
Software Defined Radios
Software Defined Radio (SDR) How Does It Work? - KK6US David Grybos - NCDXC June 18 2020
ソフトウェア無線 パート 2 - RTL-SDR USB 無線を使用したデジタル伝送のデコード
RSGB 2019 Convention lecture - Digital Homebrewing and the Schematics of SDR
SDR 複雑なミキシング、サンプリング、フーリエ、ゼロ IF 直交直接変換
HackRF を使用したソフトウェア無線 (Michael Ossmann 著)、レッスン 2: デジタル信号処理
Nontechnical introduction to Software Defined Radios for Beginners
DEF CON 23 - Wireless Village - Karl Koscher - SDR 用 DSP
Digital Signal Processor I Software Defined Radio
Software Defined Radio with Pi-Pico - Part 2 Pico 2 upgrade
Beamforming in Software Defined Radio
Top Dog Spectrum Analyser using software defined radio (SDR)
ATGP - Software-Defined Radio Signal Processing with a $5 Microcontroller - Jared Boone
Brief Explanation of Maths behind Software Defined Radio demodulation
Michael Hartje, DK5HH: Digital signal processing for the detection of noise disturbances
Signal Processing Techniques for SDR
Soundcard Based SDR Transceivers (Part 1/2)