Why do people ask surname not the first name in China? | Learn Chinese One Minute a Day
Chinese Surname
CHINESE NAMES: Everything You Need to Know
The First Surname in Chinese
1 Everyday Chinese in 10 minutes: 您贵姓 What is your surname
Learn Chinese for Beginners Part 4 - Surname, First Name
Do you know where your surname comes from?
English for Chinese Speakers 14 - first name / surname order (with subtitles)
Surname middle name given name.
Lesson 2 Introduce Your Name The Surname Name and the Full Name
Surname Jia or 贾 -- Chinese Surnames
How to Choose a Good Chinese Name | Discover Rules of Authentic Chinese Names [Part 1]
This is why Koreans make English names
The History and Origin of Surname HORSE 马姓的历史渊源
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