“I Was Born With An Extra Chromosome” | Listen Up | ABC Science
The myth of the "supermale" and the extra Y chromosome
Down syndrome (trisomy 21) - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, & pathology
What is Klinefelter's Syndrome?
My Extra Chromosome And Me (Down's Syndrome Documentary) | Real Stories
Ch 8 Part 6 Sex Chromosomes and Downs Syndrome
Turner syndrome (Year of the Zebra)
Iron age how exciting diseases are! Christmas lecture
Missing an X: Turner Syndrome campaign video
Prevent Chromosomal Abnormalities | Prenatal Screening | Down Syndrome Pregnancy | Dr C Suvarchalaa
"The eXtraordinarY Babies Study of Infants Prenatally Diagnosed with Sex Chromosome Trisomy (SCT)"
Klinefelter Syndrome: Understanding the Genetic Condition
Claus Gravholt, MD, PhD - Epidemiology of Sex Chromosome Abnormalities
Down's Syndrome | Genetics | Biology | FuseSchool
What is trisomy?
Alteration of Chromosome Number and Structure
Dr. Hayley Mountford - Secondary copy number variants in people with a sex chromosome trisomy
Sex Chromosome Abnormalities
Unit 10- Sex Chromosomes and Genetic Disorders