All the ways to use the word DE in French!
French Verbs & Tenses explained in 10 minutes!
Understanding French articles: when to use the DEFINITE, INDEFINITE and PARTITIVE articles
Asking questions in French with EST-CE QUE (French Essentials Lesson 30)
Asking HOW MUCH/MANY questions in French with COMBIEN (French Essentials Lesson 26)
Lui, leur OR le, la, les in French? Pick correctly EVERY TIME with this trick - French pronouns
2 Ways of Saying "WE" in French: NOUS vs ON
French Verbs with "DE" and "À"
The Preposition À In French - How And When To Use It // French Grammar Course // Lesson 14 🇫🇷
2 Common French Pronouns: Y vs EN
The Preposition DE In French - How And When To Use It // French Grammar Course // Lesson 15 🇫🇷
French Partitive Articles: du, de la, des, de l', de, d'
A Fun Explanation of the French Subjunctive : French Grammar Made Fun #1
French Subject Pronouns (French Essentials Lesson 9)
French Definite Article / How to say THE in French (French Essentials Lesson 7)
Practise your French Partitive Articles: DU, DE LA, DE L' & DES
French accents - part 1 (French Essentials Lesson 17)
Être or Avoir in the Passé Composé in French... French PAST TENSE explained!
Practise your French DEFINITE ARTICLES - LE, LA, LES & L'
Être & Avoir (French Essentials Lesson 10)