LFP Billing for Long-Term & Palliative Care
Webinar I What is palliative care?
Creating a Virtual Palliative Care Unit in Northern BC
Caregiver Insights into Palliative Care
Madix Thorn - BC Centre For Palliative Care: Equal Access to Advance Care Planning
Paramedic Practice: BCEHS Palliative Care
Palliative Care: live as well as you can, for as long as you can
What is Palliative Care and What can it do for you?
Integrated Palliative Nephrology in BC: Current State & What’s Next - UBC and BCR PWR 11.27.2020
Palliative vs. Hospice Care: What You Need to Know
Advance Care Planning: It's time to Think, Talk, Plan
Palliative Care 101
Integrated Palliative Care - BC Renal Province-wide Rounds (March 2020)
How Compassionate Communities can address gaps in palliative care - Dr. Rajagopal
A Palliative Approach to Physician Assisted Death - BCKD (2016)
Clarity achieved: unified definition for care provided by BC's hospice societies
'No sign of cancer' one year after B.C. couple's palliative care wedding
Partnership Matters: BC Renal Palliative Care Committee
A CNS Led Strategy Improving Serious Illness Conversations & a Palliative Approach to Care in BC
Nurse Salary & Hourly Wage Averages | #shorts