Mayo Clinic Minute - Can cold weather cause a cold?
Health Risks in Extreme Cold - Mayo Clinic
Should you exercise when sick: Dr. Montero
Is the extreme cold bad for your lungs?
Does Cold Weather Actually Make You Sick?
Infectious Diseases A-Z: When to stay home from work
Mayo Clinic Minute: 3 tips to healthy fitness during winter
Avoiding Winter Emergencies
Mayo Clinic Minute: What to do when sick with a norovirus (or stomach flu)
No, cold or rainy weather cannot make you sick
It’s false. Cold or rainy weather cannot make you sick.
Mayo Clinic Minute: 3 things you didn't know about cold sores
Infectious Diseases A-Z: Severe season for influenza
Does cold weather make you sick:? Cold Weather Health Risks
Yes, big temperature swings can make you sick | Verify
Mayo Clinic Minute: 5 tips for constipation alleviation without medication
Frosty grip brings frostbite fears and other weather-related worries
#AsktheMayoMom about What You Should Know about Influenza This Season
Your Health Matters: Oct. 10: Does cold weather bring pneumonia?
Infectious Diseases A-Z: Preparing for the next flu season