What Causes Post-Nasal Drip?
What Causes A Scratchy Throat?
What Causes Nasal Congestion?
Health check: Is it allergies or COVID-19?
What Are the Side Effects of Biologic Medications for Asthma and Allergies?
Can Allergies Make You Cough?
Is a Humidifier Good for Allergies?
Is Vaping Causing Your Strep Throat?
What Are Allergic Shiners?
Strep throat surge | What to look for and how to stay safe
Here's what you need to know about Canada's battle with respiratory viruses this fall season
What Causes Hives?
Can Seasonal Allergies Cause Swollen Lymph Nodes?
Predicting COVID 19 cases using Reddit posts and other online resources - Felix Drinkall
What to know about NACI's latest COVID-19 booster advice
This Gland Affects Your ENTIRE Body
New Frontiers in Social Media to Share Your Research with the Public: Reddit AMA and Facebook Live
Here's what we know about Joe Biden's COVID-19 diagnosis
COVID, RSV and flu | CTV News' medical expert on how to prepare for respiratory viruses
Stupid Things We Do Because Of Social Anxiety As Found On Reddit