Let's go over what pertussis is.
Pertussis in Adults
What is Pertussis and whooping cough? - Bordetella pertussis symptoms, pathophysiology and treatment
Why does my child keep getting a cough? Will it go away on its own?
Cough after respiratory infection - how long is normal?
whooping cough treatment | whooping cough sound | cough treatment | whooping cough adult
How to spot the differences between bronchitis, pneumonia
How do you know if you have bronchitis?
Bronchitis or Pneumonia; How to Tell the Difference
Whooping Cough: Bordetella pertussis
2019 Pertussis Webinar
How can I keep my baby from getting whooping cough?
Whooping Cough Cases Rising: What You Should Know | AAP
Decrease in cases of Pertussis Dr Desmond Hickey, HPSC
Pertussis on Rise in U S Elderly ICAAC 2013
Dominic Kelly Preventing Pertussis Infection
2020 Pertussis Webinar
How I FINALLY Cured My Chronic Cough!
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) | Osmosis Study Video
Can you tell by the cough if it's whooping cough? #shorts