Chris Gilligan - How can epidemiological modelling help prevent rust epidemics?
Beyond Myrtle Rust - From surveillance to epidemiology: learning from myrtle rust in NZ
Robert Beresford- Assessing climatic risk of myrtle rust
Oat disease webinar - Red leather leaf and crown rust | DPIRD
Rebecca Degnan. RNA interference-mediated control of a pathogenic rust fungus, Austropuccinia psidii
Beyond Myrtle Rust - Predicting future spread of myrtle rust in Aotearoa New Zealand
How to identify and treat rust disease on monstera plants. Easy guide for beginners. #monsteraPlants
Richard Oliver - Selection of fungicide resistance-associated mutations in wheat yellow rust
Beyond Myrtle Rust - Monitoring the impact of Austropuccinia psidii on native Myrtaceae
Blister Rust Infection in Whitebark and Limber Pine in the Canadian Rocky Mtns (2003-2014)
Beyond Myrtle Rust - Chasing myrtle rust in NZ: biosecurity response diagnostics and beyond
GCTV20: Rust Analysis - Stripe Rust
Dave Hodson: A decade of stem rust surveillance: How far have we come? Where are we going?
Chris Sorensen: Segregation for aggressiveness in sexual offspring of the yellow rust pathogen
Beyond Myrtle Rust - Austropuccinia psidii: the threat of other strains
2023 Getting it Right Sunflower Production: Sunflower Diseases Including Rust and Phomopsis
Rust in peace: breeding and cultural practices to mitigate rust diseases in crops and forest trees
How to control Rust on cereal crops
Beyond Myrtle Rust: Restoration genetics of a critically threatened New Zealand Myrtaceae
Aliens Among Us: Episode 12: Myrtle Rust in Australia